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Ten Doggy Exercise Tips for Avoiding the Winter Bulge

Ten Doggy Exercise Tips for Avoiding the Winter Bulge By Dr. Laci Schaible, Embrace Pet Insurance I am guilty myself of being less eager to walk the dog in a bitter blizzard. Let's face it: wintertime isn't always such a joyous wonderland for outdoor activity with your dog, but daily exercise is essential to maintaining your dog's health. Besides, two to five extra pounds on you during the winter months are not the same as two to five pounds on your dog. Each excess pound on a Pug is e read more ...


Instagram Photo Tips for Dog Portraits

Instagram Photo Tips for Dog Portraits Whether you have a desire to make your pet internet famous or just record your furbaby as they snuggle together on the sofa, you might experience frustration when you check out the photos that you’ve snapped. If you caught your canine in action, the photo might be blurry. If you haven’t been using dog grooming supplies as diligently as you should, Fido could look a bit dishevelled. Try these Instagram photo tips to optimise your pet pictures be read more ...


Winter Paw Care

Winter Paw Care: How To Protect Your Dog's Feet "Give me five!" Make sure to keep those paws happy and healthy! Results from a recently released study conducted by Japanese scientists at Tokyo’s Yamazaki Gakuen University suggest that dogs have special blood vessels in their feet that actually help protect them from the effects of snow and ice. The researchers propose a mechanism that they’ve termed a “counter-current heat exchange:” when a paw is cooled by contact with frozen read more ...


Why Do Dogs Howl?

Why Do Dogs Howl? By American Kennel Club (AKC Staff) We have all heard our dogs howl and wondered why they are, all of the sudden, channelling their inner wolf. In all reality, while we don’t quite understand it, howling is your dog’s way of communicating outside of barking and shrieking. There are several reasons why your dog may be howling. And while you may find it annoying or worrisome, some of the reasons are very simple: For attention To alert their own read more ...


5 Fun Indoor Games To Play With Dogs

5 Fun Indoor Games To Play With Dogs When the weather is so bad that taking your dog outside for playtime is too challenging, they still need to burn off energy and relieve boredom. Indoor games are a good idea to keep both their body and their mind entertained during winter. Your dog needs to do more than sit around the house or sleep the bad weather away, the same way you do. Keeping your dog active and entertained when they’re stuck inside is not just good for physical exercise an read more ...


Getting Dog Ready For When The Clocks Change

Getting dog ready for when the clocks change In the UK, the clocks change twice a year and with those changes comes a disruption to routines and sleeping patterns. For most people, it takes a few days to adjust to living life an hour out of kilter. But what about dogs? Does the move to — or away from — daylight savings time have any bearing on them? In spring we lose an hour, in autumn we gain one – daylight savings and clock changes can be confusing enough for us, but for our p read more ...


Conker Hazards For Dogs

Conker Hazards For Dogs In the Autumn, conkers (also known as Horse Chestnuts), can be found in abundance in streets and woods. While many of your furbabies ignore these on walkies, some like to play with them or even try to eat them. Conkers can generally cause two types of issues for dogs that try to eat them – Blockages or Poisoning. Conkers are highly poisonous to dogs if chewed and eaten.  read more ...


Kennel Cough - General Advice

Kennel Cough Kennel cough is the common name given to infectious bronchitis in dogs. Just as in chest infections in humans, a number of different bacteria and viruses can cause the illness – normally a combination of both. It affects their respiratory system, causing them to cough. The infection affec read more ...


Top 6 Reasons for Dog Digging

Top 6 Reasons for Dog Digging—Plus Effective Solutions UK Pets Blog Does your garden resemble an archaeological excavation site? Your dog digging holes in your lawn is not just due to instinct; it can also be an acquired behaviour. There are many reasons why your canine buddy would burrow into the ground. Some of them are actually acceptable. For those that are not, the solution for the undesirable behaviour is also based on its specific trigger. To effectively stop the canine excav read more ...


How to Teach Loose-Leash Walking

How To Teach Loose-Leash Walking By Karen Pryor Clicker Training 24/05/2018 Oh, my aching arm Get your dog to walk without pulling! But how? We are masters at allowing our dogs to drag us down the street. The most asked question at obedience classes and private consultations is "how can I get my dog not to pull on his leash?" Loose-leash walking As far as dogs and leashes are concerned, we want to arrange things so that loose leashes "pay off" and tight leashes don't. read more ...


Addison’s disease in dogs

Addison’s disease in dogs. What is Addison’s disease? Also known as hypoadrenocorticism, Addison’s disease is a potentially life-threatening deficiency in hormones produced by the adrenal glands. These glands, located near the kidney, produce hormones such as cortisol, a stress hormone, and aldosterone, which regulates salt, sugar and water balance in the body. Dogs with insufficient levels of these hormones can become very unwell. Addison’s disease is more common in read more ...


Five Commands Every Dog Should Know (And How to Teach Them)

Five Commands Every Dog Should Know (And How to Teach Them) To ensure your dog is a good citizen, there are minimum commands your dog should know. Here are some of the most important ones. Does your dog know these basic commands? Some dogs are smart enough to learn 165 words or even more. Just how smart they can be, largely depends on the breed and how much time you spend with them. No dog, however, is smart enough to realise every single danger they can get into. There are ca read more ...


Dog Nail Care

Dog Nail Care Article sourced from The Good Vet and Pet Guide Trimming your dogs nails is an important part of their grooming routine.  Left unchecked, overgrown nails can be painful for a dog; it can result in splitting or breaking of the nail, and cause an irregular gait that can lead to skeletal damage. A lot of people ask us how often they should cut their dogs nails. As a general rule, if your dogs nails are touching the ground when standing and you can read more ...


Indoor games and enrichment

Indoor games and enrichment Article By the Blue Cross Indoor games are a great way to keep your dog mentally stimulated at times when you can’t go outside. Playing games with your dog can stop them from chewing up furniture and stops them from getting bored.  Games that could cause your dog to become excited should be played on non-slip surfaces to avoid injury. These games include find it, tug of war and fetch. It’s a good idea to put toys and treat bags away after yo read more ...


Bloat Or GDV - Know The Signs

Bloat/GDV - Know The Signs Article sourced from The Good Vet and Pet Guide Gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV) also known as bloat, is a serious health risk, understanding the signs and the need for prompt treatment will help reduce the risk of mortality if your dog develops this problem. Bloat is an extremely serious condition and is considered a life-threatening emergency. There are no home remedies for this condition, so you must contact your vet immediately read more ...


The Benefits of Coconut Oil

The Benefits of Coconut Oil Coconut oil is all the rage right now, with consumption up 40% year on year since 2010. But is it a passing fad, or are the health benefits so great we should be offering this to our furbabies as well as ourselves? The answer is yes, and no. Like most food supplements you get what you pay for and there’s no point diligently putting cheap coconut oil on to your dog’s dinner every day because you won’t get the benefit. Better to spend more and get way m read more ...


Separation Anxiety

Separation Anxiety Article sourced from The Good Vet and Pet Guide Learn how to recognise separation anxiety in your dog and discover ways to help them overcome this issue. Symptoms of Separation Anxiety include: Your dog follows you from room to room 24/7 They will be over attached to the owner when they are present. Barking, crying and whining when left alone. Destroying things like ripping wallpaper, chew read more ...


How To Make A Dog Friendly Birthday Cake

How to make a dog-friendly birthday cake Article By the Blue Cross Dog’s birthday coming up? Never fear! We have a dog-friendly vet-approved cake recipe that means your pet can enjoy celebrating their birthday just as much as we do. Important: Carefully check the ingredients below and do not feed if your dog is allergic to any of them Some peanut butter brands contain artificial sweeteners such as xylitol, which is toxic to dogs. Only read more ...


Hot Spots in Dogs

Hot Spots in Dogs Article sourced from The Good Vet and Pet Guide Hot spots really are a pain For Your Dog! These red, wet patches of skin are intensely irritating and very painful. What causes them? Anything that damages the skin surface can trigger a hot spot. It can be something ti read more ...


Pet Friendly Gardening

Pet Friendly Gardening Article sourced from The Good Vet and Pet Guide Our dogs tend to be curious animals, so you’ll usually find them roaming around outdoors come rain or shine. This makes it particularly important to dog-proof your garden, so you can open the patio doors and let them run free, without the worry. Nicky Roeber is the Online Horticultural Expert at Wyevale Garden Centres.  Here, he gives his top 5 tips for creating a pet-friendly garden read more ...


Pesky Parasites

Pesky Parasites Article sourced from The Good Vet and Pet Guide and the Blue Cross Fleas As it warms up we will start to see more infestations of fleas. Make sure your pet is regularly treated for fleas, ticks & worms. Remember prevention is always easier than cure! read more ...


Top tips for keeping your dog cool – and safe – in summer

When the heat arrives, dogs can not only feel hot and bothered – they are at more of a risk of potentially fatal heatstroke. Keeping them as cool as possible during the balmy summer months is vital, and here are 10 top tips to help keep tails wagging and temperatures down… 1. Paddling pool There’s nothing more refreshing on a hot day for us humans than a dip in the water – and the same goes for your dog. So treat them to a paddling pool in a shady spot in your garden filled with read more ...


Cherry eye in dogs

Cherry eye is a common condition inherited in certain breeds of dogs In rare cases cats can also be affected by cherry eye The problem is caused when a gland in a pet’s third eyelid becomes swollen It creates a pink mass which covers part of the eye Early treatment is crucial as the condition can cause long term complications What is cherry eye? Cherry eye is a common condition inherited in certain breeds of dogs and, in rare cases, it can arise in cats. Unlike humans, they have t read more ...


Why does my dog eat grass?

Dog owners commonly think that grass eating in their pets is a sign of illness But it’s more than likely to be because it is tasty for them and is, therefore, no cause for concern Be sure that the grass they’re munching on isn’t sprayed with any harmful chemicals In some cases, grass-eating might be linked to boredom so make sure your pet has plenty of enrichment through exercise and play If your dog is repeatedly vomiting up grass and/or not eating its normal food, co read more ...


Treating Bee And Wasp Stings In Dogs

Some dogs will try their best to catch bees and wasps but often get stung in the process.  Dogs love to chase buzzing insects, but getting too close can be dangerous. It’s better to get your dog to leave bees and wasps alone as stings can cause allergic reactions. Teaching a solid recall will help to protect your dog. Most insect stings will simply cause your dog pain and irritation, but multiple stings can be fatal Some dogs are allergic to bee and wasp stings, so watch out for signs of al read more ...


Xylitol poisoning in dogs

Xylitol is a common sugar-free ingredient for humans but is toxic to dogs. It can cause blood sugar levels to plummet as well as liver damage. Even small amounts can be fatal so early veterinary intervention is crucial. Ensure all products containing xylitol are well out of the reach of pets. Xylitol is a common sugar substitute that can be toxic to dogs in even small amounts and it can be fatal. It’s regularly found in sugar-free chewing gum, toothpaste, mouthwash, vitamin supplements and i read more ...


Dog Beach Safety

We have had some lovely hot days and with summer is almost here and if you are like me you want to find exciting days out with your pupster. One such place is the beach! Whilst a number of beaches are restricted to dogs during the peak season of May - October, there are still plenty for you to explore. Here are my five top tips to ensure you keep your dog safe when visiting... Tip One Sand Can Be Hot For Little Paws Too! We’ve all been on holiday and have experienced the searing he read more ...


Conjunctivitis in dogs

Conjunctivitis is a relatively common condition in dogs which is usually easily treated. Symptoms include eye discharge, redness, irritation and swelling. There are a number of causes including allergies, foreign bodies or bacterial infections. In rare cases, it can be caused by a more serious health condition. What is conjunctivitis? Get your dog to the vet as soon as possible if you suspect conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis has a number of causes and describes an infection of the ‘con read more ...


Fact or fiction? Dog myths explained

Dogs can fall in love TRUE. They don't call it puppy love for nothing. Science shows that a dog’s brain releases oxytocin - the love hormone - when it interacts with humans and dogs, just the same as a human brain does when we hug or kiss. Spaying or neutering my pet will change their personality FALSE. Personality is not all about sex hormones – except perhaps in some teenagers! But some unwanted behaviours may be reduced, such as roaming, read more ...


Countryside walking with your dog

Enjoying the Great British countryside with your dog is a wonderful experience. It's a great way of exercising your dog and is the ideal place to bond. We need to keep the countryside special for everyone. It's really important to be mindful of other people, wildlife and farm animals - especially when you're out and about with your dog. 1. Check you’re legal By law, if your dog is out in public they must be: Wearing a collar with an ID tag that read more ...


Beware of Adders When Walking With Your Dog

The Adder is the UK’s only native venomous snake. They hibernate over the winter months and emerge during the spring, putting dogs at increased risk during the summer months when the weather is generally warmer. Adders like to bask in the sun which puts you and your dog at risk when out walking.  Adders only tend to bite in read more ...


Beware of Adders When Out Walking Your Dog

The Adder is the UK’s only native venomous snake. They hibernate over the winter months and emerge during the spring, putting dogs at increased risk during the summer months when the weather is generally warmer. Adders like to bask in the sun which puts you and your dog at risk when out walking.  Adders only tend read more ...


How to train a dog to stay

Teaching your dog to ‘wait’ or ‘stay’ is a simple behaviour to teach and can be really handy for keeping your dog safe, for example asking your dog to stay in the back of the car while you clip a lead on to their collar. You will need your dog to be well practised at lying down on command before moving on to ‘stay’. This is our six step guide on how to teach a dog to stay using a positive reward system. Teaching your dog to stay in six easy steps: Give your dog a read more ...


What are the causes of lameness in dogs?

Lameness in dogs is not a disease. But it is often the sign of a painful condition, such as a pulled muscle, broken bone or sprained ligament. Most limps require veterinary attention and, in some cases, especially those in which the limp has suddenly appeared, emergency treatment may be needed as the dog’s injuries may be the result of a serious accident or trauma. Potential causes of less sudden lameness in dogs include osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia, inflammation of the bones, ligament disea read more ...


9 Fun Facts About Your Dog’s Ears

A dog’s sense of hearing is second only to his sense of smell in terms of superior ability and discernment. Short, pointy, floppy, and folded, our fuzzy friends have ears that are quite different from our own. Not only do their ear shapes differ, so do their uses and abilities. You see them every day–and chances are, you give them a good scratch. Even during the quiet of overnight hours the world is noisy to your dog, because he hears sounds you don’t even realise exist. Unlike (most) h read more ...


How to train a dog to lie down

Once your dog has mastered “sit” it’s time to teach them to lie down. This is a useful behaviour when you want your dog to settle on the floor, either at home or out and about. Teaching your dog to lie down in six easy steps: With your dog in a sitting position and a treat in your hand, move your hand from your dog’s nose towards their chest then straight down towards the floor. Your dog should follow the treat into a lying down position. Praise and reward read more ...


Baby It's Cold Outside

Winter in northern climates presents a bevy of health hazards for pets. From antifreeze to snow blindness, the drop in mercury keeps pet owners on their toes. How Cold Is Too Cold For Your Dog? A common question this time of year is, “How cold is too cold for a dog?” The answer is a bit complicated, but thankfully, the good folks at Tufts University already developed a system for animal welfare officers to reference that we can utilise as a guide. read more ...


Hearing Dogs

There are many types of assistance dogs and here at Millie Paws HQ we sponsor a puppy for Hearing Dogs for Deaf People so we thought we would share with you what this charity does and how they transform lives. Training hearing dogs who transform deaf people’s lives There are lots of inspirational stories and photos on their website which you can explore at your leisure, but here are the 6 most impor read more ...


Perfect Fit Breed Chart

The Ultimate in Dog Walking Harness Modular design allows and secure and snug fit for almost any size & shape of dog Easy to clip around dog’s neck and NOT put over head Adjustable in up to 5 different places Each piece can be replaced as or when needed Front piece comes with an additional D-ring as standard Safe for amputee dogs (Tripawed!) Diffic read more ...


Beginners guide to Canicross

Canicross is a fun, energetic and exciting new discipline within the canine world. This activity brings together both dogs and their owners from all over the country to become not only fitter but also healthier. The human participant will wear a waist-belt which attaches via a 2 metre bungee line to the dog’s harness. Both you and your dog will then run, with the dog taking the front spot from the start line to the finish. Great for Fitness with Your Dog! read more ...


How to train a dog to sit

Teaching your dog to sit is a great place to start with your training. It can be a really valuable behaviour for them to learn. For example, teaching your dog to sit at kerbs can make crossing roads safer and asking your dog to sit when greeting people means they’re less likely to jump up. Teach your dog to sit in six steps: With your dog in a standing position, hold a tasty treat near their nose. Keeping the treat near your dog’s nose, move your hand in an ar read more ...


Antifreeze and dogs

During cold snaps, antifreeze poisonings become increasingly common. These typically occur when ethylene glycol, one of the main ingredients in antifreeze, leaks from car radiators or screen wash containers. This chemical is extremely toxic to dogs and, to exacerbate the problem, it’s also very sweet so they like the taste. How much antifreeze will kill a dog? Any amount is dangerous, even if it’s found in contaminated water such as puddles, but just a tablespoonful is pot read more ...


Why do dogs Lick?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Dogs are born with the instinctive behaviour to lick Female dogs lick their puppies to clean and comfort them Licking can indicate a variety of things, such as affection, an irritation/wound or a way of gaining more information about another dog We sometimes associate dogs licking us as a kiss, one that - depending on how your dog’s breath is fairing that day - we like receiving. But what does your dog actually read more ...


Pancreatitis in dogs

Overview The pancreas is an organ in the abdomen (tummy) that sits close to the stomach. It produces special chemicals known as enzymes (types of proteins) which help digest food. The pancreas also releases important hormones (such as insulin) into the bloodstream. Pancreatitis occurs when the pancreas becomes very inflamed (tender and swollen) causing pain and vomiting. Pancreatitis can range from being mild to very severe.  In most cases pancreatitis occurs for no apparent read more ...


Christmas with your Furbaby

What's dangerous for my dog at Christmas? It’s a little-known fact that Christmas is a more dangerous time for our pets. Their usual home environment is filled with trees, unusual flowers and other decorations and cupboards are jam-packed with lots of tempting but potentially toxic food and drink. At Vets Now, emergency call volumes increase by up to 40% over the festive season, and it’s often a result of dogs swallowing or chewing some of these unfamiliar things. Thei read more ...


Beginners guide to… Agility get started today!

Is your dog playful, energetic and full of fun? Then Agility is for you!  Agility can become a real addiction. It's fun, friendly and keeps you and your dog in tip-top shape. Most people's first view of agility comes from the coverage of Crufts each year and the agility competitions held in December in conjunction with Olympia Horse Show. However, there are more than 300 licensed agility shows held annually, not to mention the numerous special sponsored events which take place nationwide. Agi read more ...


Understanding A Dogs Needs

Understanding dogs needs; owning a dog is great fun and immensely rewarding. But, dogs have complex needs and each dog is unique. There is no one 'perfect' way to care for all dogs, but our expert advice will help you ensure your dog is healthy and happy. There are approximately eight and a half million dogs kept as pets in the UK. There are many different breeds and types of dog, all varying in size, body shape and personality. Looking at the world from a dogs point of view can help you under read more ...


Epilepsy In Dogs

Epilepsy is a chronic condition that causes repeated seizures (which may be described by terms such as 'fits' or 'funny turns'), and is the most common chronic (long term) neurological disorder in dogs, affecting an estimated 0.6-0.7% of all dogs in the UK alone (around 1 in 130 dogs). In most cases epilepsy is a lifelong disease. A seizure occurs when there is abnormal electrical activity in the brain which leads to sudden but short-lived changes in a dog's behaviour and/or movement. Some bree read more ...


A dog owner’s guide to autumn

How much do you actually know about this golden season, and what does it mean for your dogs? Fallen leaves are a lot of fun for you and your dog to play in, but don’t forget that piles of leaves can hide all kinds of hazards, from stones, to broken glass, dog poo, even hedgehogs, so be careful! Shorter days means dog walking times need to be altered, as you no longer have the luxury of bright early mornings and long, light evenings, but your dog still needs just as much e read more ...


Why Dorwest Turmeric Tablets?

This superior supplement contains and inceadible pure and high potency extract of turmeric consisting of 95% curcuminoids (the active ingredient of the herb). Alongside piperine to increase bioavailability of nutritional compounds. We are delighted to now offer this quality source of turmeric herb (Curcumin) which is extracted from the whole root and contains 95% curcuminoids. Turmeric is extremely well documented and is widely used to support the body’s natural anti-inflammatory processes. T read more ...


Are Dogs Colour Blind?

Is everything in a dog’s world black and white? That idea has been widely accepted for decades, but new understanding of canine anatomy and behaviour have shown that, while they can’t see the same colours humans do, dogs are not colour blind. Technicolor may be beyond their comprehension, but research shows that the dog’s eye can see much more than shades of grey. The Myth About Colour Blindness in Dogs The notion that dogs see only in black and white has been attribu read more ...


Survival Guide To Dog Cage Rest

Having your dog confined to a crate following injury or surgery can seem like a nightmare, so here's some top tips to help you and your pet get through. Safety First Ask your vet for specific advice about crate rest, and how much movement your dog is allowed. Dogs on crate rest should normally be on leads at all times when taken outside for toileting, and may need to be carried down steps or helped back inside. Seek veterinary advice before commencing any read more ...


Kronch Pemmikan

A high energy supplementary feed, Kronch Pemmikan is comprised of the essential levels of fat, protein and glucose to provide almost instant usable energy in dogs. It has also proved successful in overcoming and preventing the effects of Hypoglycemia in dogs worked under extreme conditions. Kronch Pemmikan allows you to give your dog large amounts of easily digestible energy from a small volume of feed, without overfilling the dog’s stomach and has proved use read more ...


Conkers and Dogs

A question we regularly get at this time of year, are Conkers dangerous to dogs? Well, dog owners have been warned that this autumn’s crop of smaller conkers poses a higher risk to their pets than in previous years. Conkers are hazardous for dogs because they can block airways, leading to asphyxiation and they also contain a chemical called Aesculin, which is toxic to dogs and can cause internal damage if ingested. With conkers much smaller in size this year due to the summer heatwave leavin read more ...


KONG Classic - Recipes

The KONG Classic is the gold standard of dog toys and has become the staple for dogs around the world for over forty years. Offering enrichment by helping satisfy dogs’ instinctual needs, the KONG Classic’s unique natural red rubber formula is ultra-durable with an erratic bounce that is ideal for dogs that like to chew while also fulfilling a dog’s need to play. Want to extend play time? Be sure to stuff with tempting bits of kibble and entice with a dash of peanut butter. Add to the fun read more ...


How to calm your dog during fireworks

As bonfire night looms closer, as does the concern for your dogs with all the noise from fireworks going off. It’s completely normal for dogs to fear loud noises as it can trigger their nervous system and make them anxious. Running away from the noise is also a survival instinct for them. We wanted to give you some tips for spotting anxiety in your dog, as well as what to do to help calm them down. Common Stress Signals: Flattened ears Lip licking read more ...


How long can you leave your dog alone in the house?

People often get on to the topic when getting a dog to consider, how long can I leave them in the house alone? As many of us begin to feel guilty going out to work in the morning having to leave their furry friends. There isn’t currently an answer to this question from any dog ‘experts’, but it is one of the most commonly asked questions by dog owners. What we do know about dogs: Dogs are extremely social animals who develop strong attachments to their humans Dogs d read more ...


Benefits of dog treats?

Are you looking for natural dog treats to give your furry friend? Look no further, we can recommend some of our favourite treats available in store and online today to help you. As you all know, treats are a great tool for training your puppies with around 90% of dogs being motivated by food, it just makes sense for it to be an effective reward for them. Alongside this, good nutrition is a priority to your dog living a long and healthy life. Our Top 5 We source only th read more ...


Tips to stop your dog pulling on the lead

Are you having problems with your dog pulling when they are on the lead? We are here to give you some tips to help you and your furbabies! To get your dog to walk nicely on the lead, first you need to teach them that if they don’t pull, they will get where they want to go quicker. It can take time, but the benefits can be very rewarding. Why not check out the leads and harnesses that we have available on our online store, here! The tips below will help y read more ...


The best dog food for a healthy diet

At Millie’s Paws we care about our customers, the human and the furry kind. We only sell food we believe is beneficial to the health of our furry friends. We have now expanded our range of MeatLove foods to include; the Fuel Snack Sausage, Fuel Dry Snacks and the Classic range in Goldener Oktober and Farmer Menu. We have introduced the Fuel Snack Sausage in a number of different flavours as well as the Fuel Dry Snack to ensure your dog is receiving the right nutrients in their diet. Made from read more ...


Millie's Paws are moving!

It’s been so hard keeping it from you all, but we can finally reveal that Millie’s Paws are moving to bigger premises. Don’t worry though as we aren’t moving far, our new store is located right around the corner from our current one, at 9 Fraser Court. We’ve had a fantastic 2 years in our current store, but we are excited to move read more ...


Finding the Perfect Fitting Harness for your Dog!

Choosing the perfect harness for your dog can be a daunting task, but at Millie’s Paws we’re here to make it easy. There are so many reasons why you should choose a harness over a collar, the main one being to prevent choking for your dog. If your dog is prone to pulling, then you definitely need to consider a harness. Traditional collars tend to choke when your dog pulls on it whereas a harness will distribute the weight evenly across the chest. When buying a harness for your dog, you nee read more ...


Millie's Paws Show Schedule

At Millie’s Paws we are always out and about attending shows, to ensure you never miss a show we have put together our schedule from now until September. Come visit us for all your Millie’s Paws goodies. July Saturday 14thof July – Echt Show Saturday 21st& Sunday 22nd of July - New Deer Show August Saturday 4th August – ASCO Family Fun Day read more ...


Best Pet Care Business at Scotland’s Business Awards

Here at Millie’s Paws HQ we are extremely proud and grateful to all our loyal customers for voting and helping us to win the award for Best Pet Care Business in Scotland. With so many great businesses in this category we couldn’t be happier to have won. We are still in shock and trying to process everything, we really didn’t think our little store in Rothienorman could get this far in such a short period of time. We couldn’t have achieved what we have if it wasn’t for our amazingly lo read more ...


Woofmas 2017 Delivery and Opening Hours Information

Not long now until Santa Paws arrives!! Hope you have all been good doggies this year! Please note our Woofmas final delivery dates and opening hours for the upcoming holiday period. Woofmas 2017 Delivery Schedule: Royal Mail Recommended Signed For Service (Parcels under 2kg) Wednesday read more ...


Shop Refurbishments and New Store Unit

Exciting times ahead for us here at Millie's Paws.  We have managed to secure a second retail unit (46 Fraser Ct) to use for stock holding.  We are currently fitting this out since it was just a shell. Main shop refurbishment will start on Monday 20th February which will provide us with a better layout for displaying lots more stock! Unfortunately we will be unable to take card payments during the main shop refurbishment however we can still take cash payments or you can order and collect via read more ...


Woofmas 2016 Delivery and Opening Hours

Not long now until Santa Paws arrives!! Hope you have all been good doggies this year! Please note our Woofmas final delivery dates and opening hours for the upcoming holiday period. Woofmas 2016  Delivery Schedule: Royal Mail Recommended Signed For Service (Parcels under 2kg) read more ...


New Opening Hours

CUSTOMER NOTICE From Saturday 9th July we will be open each Saturday 09:00 - 17:00 (no lunch break). From Sunday 10th July we will be open each Sunday 11:00 - 16:00. read more ...


Ruffwear Competition

Win Ruffwear goodies worth over £60! read more ...


Farm Food Rawhide

We have recently been approached by some of our customers to stock rawhide dog chews however following various reports regarding products from read more ...


Loyalty Rewards Program

We are excited to announce our new loyalty reward programmes for in-store and online purchases.  We have decided to introduce these as a thank you to our customers. We will be issuing our in-store customers with a loyalty card which will be "paw" stamped after each visit where a purchase has been made.  Once you have collected 10 paws you will receive a 20% discount on your 11th purchase. For our website customers you will receive "paw points" on purchases (5 paw points for every £1 spent read more ...


Prize Draw Winner Drawn!

We are now delighted to announce that the winner of our free prize draw is Naomi Walker! Congratulations and thank you to everyone who entered.  Look out for our new competitions coming soon! Update 12.05.16 Our prize draw winner Naomi Walker came in to collect her prizes today but we think she may have a fight on her hands with daughter Aria over the cuddly toy dog aka "boing boing Millie bow wow".  The pups may have also lost their cuddly pig too! Congratulations read more ...


Company Charity Chosen

We are excited to announce Millie's Paws chosen charity - Hearing Dogs for Deaf People. Since starting in 1982, the charity has matched thousands of adorable dogs with deaf recipients and currently have 850 working hearing dog partnerships across the UK. They train dogs to alert deaf people to sounds they can’t hear. Sounds we take for gran read more ...


Shop Internal Developments

We are excited to share the recent developments to inside the shop, almost ready to open now!           read more ...


Shop Developments

We are glad to say that the shop is moving along well.  We now have our signage and the interior is next on our plans.  Here are some photos of how the shop looks at the moment.        read more ...


Long Paws has arrived!

        We are excited to announce the arrival of products from Long Paws.  We will be stocking collars, leads and harnesses from their Comfort read more ...



We are pleased to announce that we received notification today from the Intellectual Property Office that our logo has now been registered as an official trade mark as of 16th November 2015 under the Trade Mark Act 1994 of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. read more ...


New Shop

We received the keys for our new store at 1 Fraser Court, Rothienorman, Inverurie, AB51 8SD on the 10th February 2016.  We have some work ahead to get the layout looking the way we want but hope to have everything completed by the end of March 2016. We are also working hard in getting new and varied stock for the shop which we will also add to this site. Here are some photos of the current layout, hope you enjoy.  We look to welcoming you all once we have the official opening! read more ...

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Designed, Developed & Hosted by: Ecosse Graphics