Blog - Instagram Photo Tips for Dog Portraits

Instagram Photo Tips for Dog Portraits

Instagram Photo Tips for Dog Portraits

At Home 2019-11-29 00:00:00

Instagram Photo Tips for Dog Portraits

Whether you have a desire to make your pet internet famous or just record your furbaby as they snuggle together on the sofa, you might experience frustration when you check out the photos that you’ve snapped. If you caught your canine in action, the photo might be blurry. If you haven’t been using dog grooming supplies as diligently as you should, Fido could look a bit dishevelled. Try these Instagram photo tips to optimise your pet pictures before, during and after the photo shoot.

Prep Your Pet with Natural Pet Shampoo

It’s harder to get your pet to pose for a portrait than it is to get your teenager to smile for a family picture. Taking candid shots is the key to a great photo. Capturing your four-legged friends’ natural personality will make for a picture that evokes emotion and produces a universal “Awwwww.” To make sure that every moment is potentially picture-worthy, use dog grooming supplies, including natural pet shampoo, regularly. This will ensure that your companion looks handsome from every angle when you have your camera in hand. Plus, you’ll get plenty of Kodak moments while your pet is covered with suds. In fact – if you get some good ones to share on our social media, tag us and use hashtag #milliespaws – we love to share! If your little darling doesn’t love water, keep some wipes on hand to quickly remove tear stains or clean up its tushy before the photo session.

Tips for Snapping the Best Pet Photos

When your pet is always ready for a portrait, you’ll find plenty of photo opportunities. Most of the time, natural light will be enough to illuminate your subject. Turn off the flash on your camera so that you don’t spook your animal or end up with those creepy, glowing eyes. Unless your dog is sleeping, try to keep the eyes sharp. If you’re using a smartphone, tap the screen where the eyes are to bring the focus to that area. Get on your furbabies level for the best results. If your doggy is on the floor, try lying down to take a unique picture. Try to position the camera at your doggy’s eye level. You can also explore other unexpected angles, such as a bird’s-eye view. Zooming in for a close-up shot will accentuate the fur and other textures.

Editing Pet Portraits Before Posting Them

Your work as a photographer doesn’t end after you’ve captured the photo. You can use the editing features on your mobile device to enhance the images before posting them to Instagram. Play with the brilliance, exposure and contrast to sharpen the details and boost brightness and colour levels. If black fur appears blue, try warming up the colour cast. You can also crop the photo to adjust the composition and balance. Instagram offers a wide variety of filters that let you instantly change the hue, saturation and contrast. Consider using the same one to create a consistent visual story every time you take your furbabies photo. The most important thing to consider when you’re taking pet portraits for Instagram is to be patient. Don’t try to force things. Take tons of pictures so that you have plenty of options to choose from.

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