Blogs - Hygiene/Healthcare

Pesky Parasites

Hygiene/Healthcare 2019-07-05 00:00:00

Pesky Parasites Article sourced from The Good Vet and Pet Guide and the Blue Cross Fleas As it warms up we will start to see more infestations of fleas. Make sure your pet is regularly treated for fleas, ticks & worms. Remember prevention is always easier than cure! read more ...

Hot Spots in Dogs

Hygiene/Healthcare 2019-07-19 00:00:00

Hot Spots in Dogs Article sourced from The Good Vet and Pet Guide Hot spots really are a pain For Your Dog! These red, wet patches of skin are intensely irritating and very painful. What causes them? Anything that damages the skin surface can trigger a hot spot. It can be something ti read more ...

Bloat Or GDV - Know The Signs

Hygiene/Healthcare 2019-08-16 00:00:00

Bloat/GDV - Know The Signs Article sourced from The Good Vet and Pet Guide Gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV) also known as bloat, is a serious health risk, understanding the signs and the need for prompt treatment will help reduce the risk of mortality if your dog develops this problem. Bloat is an extremely serious condition and is considered a life-threatening emergency. There are no home remedies for this condition, so you must contact your vet immediately read more ...

Dog Nail Care

Hygiene/Healthcare 2019-08-30 00:00:00

Dog Nail Care Article sourced from The Good Vet and Pet Guide Trimming your dogs nails is an important part of their grooming routine.  Left unchecked, overgrown nails can be painful for a dog; it can result in splitting or breaking of the nail, and cause an irregular gait that can lead to skeletal damage. A lot of people ask us how often they should cut their dogs nails. As a general rule, if your dogs nails are touching the ground when standing and you can read more ...

Addison’s disease in dogs

Hygiene/Healthcare 2019-09-13 00:00:00

Addison’s disease in dogs. What is Addison’s disease? Also known as hypoadrenocorticism, Addison’s disease is a potentially life-threatening deficiency in hormones produced by the adrenal glands. These glands, located near the kidney, produce hormones such as cortisol, a stress hormone, and aldosterone, which regulates salt, sugar and water balance in the body. Dogs with insufficient levels of these hormones can become very unwell. Addison’s disease is more common in read more ...

Kennel Cough - General Advice

Hygiene/Healthcare 2019-10-10 00:00:00

Kennel Cough Kennel cough is the common name given to infectious bronchitis in dogs. Just as in chest infections in humans, a number of different bacteria and viruses can cause the illness – normally a combination of both. It affects their respiratory system, causing them to cough. The infection affec read more ...

Conker Hazards For Dogs

Hygiene/Healthcare 2019-10-18 00:00:00

Conker Hazards For Dogs In the Autumn, conkers (also known as Horse Chestnuts), can be found in abundance in streets and woods. While many of your furbabies ignore these on walkies, some like to play with them or even try to eat them. Conkers can generally cause two types of issues for dogs that try to eat them – Blockages or Poisoning. Conkers are highly poisonous to dogs if chewed and eaten.  read more ...

Getting Dog Ready For When The Clocks Change

Hygiene/Healthcare 2019-10-25 00:00:00

Getting dog ready for when the clocks change In the UK, the clocks change twice a year and with those changes comes a disruption to routines and sleeping patterns. For most people, it takes a few days to adjust to living life an hour out of kilter. But what about dogs? Does the move to — or away from — daylight savings time have any bearing on them? In spring we lose an hour, in autumn we gain one – daylight savings and clock changes can be confusing enough for us, but for our p read more ...

Winter Paw Care

Hygiene/Healthcare 2019-11-22 00:00:00

Winter Paw Care: How To Protect Your Dog's Feet "Give me five!" Make sure to keep those paws happy and healthy! Results from a recently released study conducted by Japanese scientists at Tokyo’s Yamazaki Gakuen University suggest that dogs have special blood vessels in their feet that actually help protect them from the effects of snow and ice. The researchers propose a mechanism that they’ve termed a “counter-current heat exchange:” when a paw is cooled by contact with frozen read more ...

Ten Doggy Exercise Tips for Avoiding the Winter Bulge

Hygiene/Healthcare 2019-12-06 00:00:00

Ten Doggy Exercise Tips for Avoiding the Winter Bulge By Dr. Laci Schaible, Embrace Pet Insurance I am guilty myself of being less eager to walk the dog in a bitter blizzard. Let's face it: wintertime isn't always such a joyous wonderland for outdoor activity with your dog, but daily exercise is essential to maintaining your dog's health. Besides, two to five extra pounds on you during the winter months are not the same as two to five pounds on your dog. Each excess pound on a Pug is e read more ...

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