Blogs - At Home

Company Charity Chosen

At Home 2018-02-07 00:00:00

We are excited to announce Millie's Paws chosen charity - Hearing Dogs for Deaf People. Since starting in 1982, the charity has matched thousands of adorable dogs with deaf recipients and currently have 850 working hearing dog partnerships across the UK. They train dogs to alert deaf people to sounds they can’t hear. Sounds we take for gran read more ...

How long can you leave your dog alone in the house?

At Home 2018-10-15 00:00:00

People often get on to the topic when getting a dog to consider, how long can I leave them in the house alone? As many of us begin to feel guilty going out to work in the morning having to leave their furry friends. There isn’t currently an answer to this question from any dog ‘experts’, but it is one of the most commonly asked questions by dog owners. What we do know about dogs: Dogs are extremely social animals who develop strong attachments to their humans Dogs d read more ...

How to calm your dog during fireworks

At Home 2018-10-26 00:00:00

As bonfire night looms closer, as does the concern for your dogs with all the noise from fireworks going off. It’s completely normal for dogs to fear loud noises as it can trigger their nervous system and make them anxious. Running away from the noise is also a survival instinct for them. We wanted to give you some tips for spotting anxiety in your dog, as well as what to do to help calm them down. Common Stress Signals: Flattened ears Lip licking read more ...

Conkers and Dogs

At Home 2018-11-02 00:00:00

A question we regularly get at this time of year, are Conkers dangerous to dogs? Well, dog owners have been warned that this autumn’s crop of smaller conkers poses a higher risk to their pets than in previous years. Conkers are hazardous for dogs because they can block airways, leading to asphyxiation and they also contain a chemical called Aesculin, which is toxic to dogs and can cause internal damage if ingested. With conkers much smaller in size this year due to the summer heatwave leavin read more ...

Survival Guide To Dog Cage Rest

At Home 2018-11-09 00:00:00

Having your dog confined to a crate following injury or surgery can seem like a nightmare, so here's some top tips to help you and your pet get through.   Safety First Ask your vet for specific advice about crate rest, and how much movement your dog is allowed. Dogs on crate rest should normally be on leads at all times when taken outside for toileting, and may need to be carried down steps or helped back inside. Seek veterinary advice before commenci read more ...

KONG Classic - Recipes

At Home 2018-10-30 00:00:00

The KONG Classic is the gold standard of dog toys and has become the staple for dogs around the world for over forty years. Offering enrichment by helping satisfy dogs’ instinctual needs, the KONG Classic’s unique natural red rubber formula is ultra-durable with an erratic bounce that is ideal for dogs that like to chew while also fulfilling a dog’s need to play. Want to extend play time? Be sure to stuff with tempting bits of kibble and entice with a dash of peanut butter. Add to the fun read more ...

Kronch Pemmikan

At Home 2018-11-06 00:00:00

A high energy supplementary feed, Kronch Pemmikan is comprised of the essential levels of fat, protein and glucose to provide almost instant usable energy in dogs. It has also proved successful in overcoming and preventing the effects of Hypoglycemia in dogs worked under extreme conditions. Kronch Pemmikan allows you to give your dog large amounts of easily digestible energy from a small volume of feed, without overfilling the dog’s stomach and has proved use read more ...

A dog owner’s guide to autumn

At Home 2018-11-23 00:00:00

How much do you actually know about this golden season, and what does it mean for your dogs? Fallen leaves are a lot of fun for you and your dog to play in, but don’t forget that piles of leaves can hide all kinds of hazards, from stones, to broken glass, dog poo, even hedgehogs, so be careful! Shorter days means dog walking times need to be altered, as you no longer have the luxury of bright early mornings and long, light evenings, but your dog still needs just as much e read more ...

Why Dorwest Turmeric Tablets?

At Home 2018-11-21 00:00:00

This superior supplement contains and inceadible pure and high potency extract of turmeric consisting of 95% curcuminoids (the active ingredient of the herb). Alongside piperine to increase bioavailability of nutritional compounds. We are delighted to now offer this quality source of turmeric herb (Curcumin) which is extracted from the whole root and contains 95% curcuminoids. Turmeric is extremely well documented and is widely used to support the body’s natural anti-inflammatory processes. T read more ...

Christmas with your Furbaby

At Home 2018-12-21 00:00:00

What's dangerous for my dog at Christmas? It’s a little-known fact that Christmas is a more dangerous time for our pets. Their usual home environment is filled with trees, unusual flowers and other decorations and cupboards are jam-packed with lots of tempting but potentially toxic food and drink. At Vets Now, emergency call volumes increase by up to 40% over the festive season, and it’s often a result of dogs swallowing or chewing some of these unfamiliar things. Thei read more ...

Pancreatitis in dogs

At Home 2018-12-28 00:00:00

Overview The pancreas is an organ in the abdomen (tummy) that sits close to the stomach. It produces special chemicals known as enzymes (types of proteins) which help digest food. The pancreas also releases important hormones (such as insulin) into the bloodstream. Pancreatitis occurs when the pancreas becomes very inflamed (tender and swollen) causing pain and vomiting. Pancreatitis can range from being mild to very severe.  In most cases pancreatitis occurs for no apparent read more ...

Baby It's Cold Outside

At Home 2019-02-08 00:00:00

Winter in northern climates presents a bevy of health hazards for pets. From antifreeze to snow blindness, the drop in mercury keeps pet owners on their toes. How Cold Is Too Cold For Your Dog? A common question this time of year is, “How cold is too cold for a dog?” The answer is a bit complicated, but thankfully, the good folks at Tufts University already developed a system for animal welfare officers to reference that we can utilise as a guide. read more ...

How to train a dog to lie down

At Home 2019-02-15 00:00:00

Once your dog has mastered “sit” it’s time to teach them to lie down. This is a useful behaviour when you want your dog to settle on the floor, either at home or out and about. Teaching your dog to lie down in six easy steps: With your dog in a sitting position and a treat in your hand, move your hand from your dog’s nose towards their chest then straight down towards the floor. Your dog should follow the treat into a lying down position. Praise and reward read more ...

9 Fun Facts About Your Dog’s Ears

At Home 2019-02-22 00:00:00

A dog’s sense of hearing is second only to his sense of smell in terms of superior ability and discernment. Short, pointy, floppy, and folded, our fuzzy friends have ears that are quite different from our own. Not only do their ear shapes differ, so do their uses and abilities. You see them every day–and chances are, you give them a good scratch. Even during the quiet of overnight hours the world is noisy to your dog, because he hears sounds you don’t even realise exist. Unlike (most) h read more ...

How to train a dog to stay

At Home 2019-04-11 00:00:00

Teaching your dog to ‘wait’ or ‘stay’ is a simple behaviour to teach and can be really handy for keeping your dog safe, for example asking your dog to stay in the back of the car while you clip a lead on to their collar. You will need your dog to be well practised at lying down on command before moving on to ‘stay’. This is our six step guide on how to teach a dog to stay using a positive reward system. Teaching your dog to stay in six easy steps: Give your dog a read more ...

What are the causes of lameness in dogs?

At Home 2019-04-05 00:00:00

Lameness in dogs is not a disease. But it is often the sign of a painful condition, such as a pulled muscle, broken bone or sprained ligament. Most limps require veterinary attention and, in some cases, especially those in which the limp has suddenly appeared, emergency treatment may be needed as the dog’s injuries may be the result of a serious accident or trauma. Potential causes of less sudden lameness in dogs include osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia, inflammation of the bones, ligament disea read more ...

Beware of Adders When Walking With Your Dog

At Home 2019-04-26 00:00:00

The Adder is the UK’s only native venomous snake. They hibernate over the winter months and emerge during the spring, putting dogs at increased risk during the summer months when the weather is generally warmer. Adders like to bask in the sun which puts you and your dog at risk when out walking.  Adders only tend to bite in read more ...

Fact or fiction? Dog myths explained

At Home 2019-05-10 00:00:00

Dogs can fall in love TRUE. They don't call it puppy love for nothing. Science shows that a dog’s brain releases oxytocin - the love hormone - when it interacts with humans and dogs, just the same as a human brain does when we hug or kiss. Spaying or neutering my pet will change their personality FALSE. Personality is not all about sex hormones – except perhaps in some teenagers! But some unwanted behaviours may be reduced, such as roaming, read more ...

Conjunctivitis in dogs

At Home 2019-05-14 00:00:00

Conjunctivitis is a relatively common condition in dogs which is usually easily treated. Symptoms include eye discharge, redness, irritation and swelling. There are a number of causes including allergies, foreign bodies or bacterial infections. In rare cases, it can be caused by a more serious health condition. What is conjunctivitis? Get your dog to the vet as soon as possible if you suspect conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis has a number of causes and describes an infection of the ‘con read more ...

Xylitol poisoning in dogs

At Home 2019-05-31 00:00:00

Xylitol is a common sugar-free ingredient for humans but is toxic to dogs. It can cause blood sugar levels to plummet as well as liver damage. Even small amounts can be fatal so early veterinary intervention is crucial. Ensure all products containing xylitol are well out of the reach of pets. Xylitol is a common sugar substitute that can be toxic to dogs in even small amounts and it can be fatal. It’s regularly found in sugar-free chewing gum, toothpaste, mouthwash, vitamin supplements and i read more ...

Why does my dog eat grass?

At Home 2019-06-14 00:00:00

Dog owners commonly think that grass eating in their pets is a sign of illness But it’s more than likely to be because it is tasty for them and is, therefore, no cause for concern Be sure that the grass they’re munching on isn’t sprayed with any harmful chemicals In some cases, grass-eating might be linked to boredom so make sure your pet has plenty of enrichment through exercise and play If your dog is repeatedly vomiting up grass and/or not eating its normal food, co read more ...

Top tips for keeping your dog cool – and safe – in summer

At Home 2019-06-28 00:00:00

When the heat arrives, dogs can not only feel hot and bothered – they are at more of a risk of potentially fatal heatstroke. Keeping them as cool as possible during the balmy summer months is vital, and here are 10 top tips to help keep tails wagging and temperatures down… 1. Paddling pool There’s nothing more refreshing on a hot day for us humans than a dip in the water – and the same goes for your dog. So treat them to a paddling pool in a shady spot in your garden filled with read more ...

Pet Friendly Gardening

At Home 2019-07-12 00:00:00

Pet Friendly Gardening Article sourced from The Good Vet and Pet Guide   Our dogs tend to be curious animals, so you’ll usually find them roaming around outdoors come rain or shine. This makes it particularly important to dog-proof your garden, so you can open the patio doors and let them run free, without the worry. Nicky Roeber is the Online Horticultural Expert at Wyevale Garden Centres.  Here, he gives his top 5 tips for creating a pet-friendly read more ...

Separation Anxiety

At Home 2019-08-02 00:00:00

Separation Anxiety Article sourced from The Good Vet and Pet Guide Learn how to recognise separation anxiety in your dog and discover ways to help them overcome this issue. Symptoms of Separation Anxiety include: Your dog follows you from room to room 24/7 They will be over attached to the owner when they are present. Barking, crying and whining when left alone. Destroying things like ripping wallpaper, chew read more ...

Five Commands Every Dog Should Know (And How to Teach Them)

At Home 2019-09-06 00:00:00

Five Commands Every Dog Should Know (And How to Teach Them) To ensure your dog is a good citizen, there are minimum commands your dog should know. Here are some of the most important ones. Does your dog know these basic commands? Some dogs are smart enough to learn 165 words or even more. Just how smart they can be, largely depends on the breed and how much time you spend with them. No dog, however, is smart enough to realise every single danger they can get into. There are ca read more ...

Top 6 Reasons for Dog Digging

At Home 2019-09-27 00:00:00

Top 6 Reasons for Dog Digging—Plus Effective Solutions UK Pets Blog Does your garden resemble an archaeological excavation site? Your dog digging holes in your lawn is not just due to instinct; it can also be an acquired behaviour. There are many reasons why your canine buddy would burrow into the ground. Some of them are actually acceptable. For those that are not, the solution for the undesirable behaviour is also based on its specific trigger. To effectively stop the canine excav read more ...

Why Do Dogs Howl?

At Home 2019-11-08 00:00:00

Why Do Dogs Howl? By American Kennel Club (AKC Staff) We have all heard our dogs howl and wondered why they are, all of the sudden, channelling their inner wolf. In all reality, while we don’t quite understand it, howling is your dog’s way of communicating outside of barking and shrieking. There are several reasons why your dog may be howling. And while you may find it annoying or worrisome, some of the reasons are very simple: For attention To alert their own read more ...

Instagram Photo Tips for Dog Portraits

At Home 2019-11-29 00:00:00

Instagram Photo Tips for Dog Portraits Whether you have a desire to make your pet internet famous or just record your furbaby as they snuggle together on the sofa, you might experience frustration when you check out the photos that you’ve snapped. If you caught your canine in action, the photo might be blurry. If you haven’t been using dog grooming supplies as diligently as you should, Fido could look a bit dishevelled. Try these Instagram photo tips to optimise your pet pictures be read more ...

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