Beaphar Dog Toothpaste 100g

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The Beaphar Dog Toothpaste has been specially formulated with a meaty Liver flavour for dogs. Regular use will make bad-breath or expensive dental treatments less likely. Brushing dislodges plaque and ...

Product Details

SKU: BP53977

Tags Beaphar Beaphar Dog Toothpaste 100g Dog Toothpaste 100g

Brand Beaphar

Categories Healthcare Daily Hygiene

Current Stock 4



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The Beaphar Dog Toothpaste has been specially formulated with a meaty Liver flavour for dogs.  Regular use will make bad-breath or expensive dental treatments less likely. Brushing dislodges plaque and the special formula then fights bad bacteria and breaks down hidden plaque.  Regular tooth brushing can become a fun part of your furbaby’s grooming routine. 

Additional Information
Has a great liver flavour and is fluoride-free.
Contains two enzymes (protease and glucose oxidase). Protease destroys the protein structure of plaque before it binds with calcium to become tartar. Glucose oxidase transforms glucose into harmless gluconic acid. This process produces a small amount of hydrogen peroxide, which is an antibacterial and will kill dental bacteria.
Brushing helps dislodge plaque, then the toothpaste’s special formula goes into action, with two enzymes that fight bad bacteria and help break down hidden plaque.

Suitable for dogs of all sizes.

Tube size: 100g

How to use: The first time you brush your dog’s teeth, let them familiarise itself with the paste. Apply a small amount onto your finger, and let them lick it off. Then wet the brush and apply a little bit of paste to the bristles and let them taste it again. Gently raise the upper lip to brush a few teeth. Only brush a few canines and molars during this first treatment. Reassure your furbaby while doing this in a gentle tone of voice. As the gums are more sensitive around the incisors, you should leave those teeth until the next brushing. Build this up until you can brush all the teeth and your dog is happy with the procedure.  Always have fresh drinking water available after brushing.

Storage: Keep at room temperature and out of reach of children.

Safety: Avoid using human toothpaste as it contains foaming ingredients that may irritate your dog’s stomach.

How to introduce your Furbaby to getting their teeth brushed:
It is important to introduce your dog to teeth cleaning slowly. The following steps should be achieved gradually. Do not move onto the next step until your dog is happy with the current step. The duration and frequency of each step needs to be built up steadily to avoid teeth cleaning becoming a stressful experience for both you and your pet.
1. Lift your pet’s lips to expose the teeth. Reinforce this by giving them lots of praise.
2. Once your pet is used to having their mouth touched on the outside, start running your finger along their teeth.
3. When they are accustomed to this, introduce them to a small amount of Beaphar Toothpaste. Place some on your finger, allowing them to lick it off. The toothpaste is liver-flavoured and most pets love it. We recommend using the Beaphar Toothbrush with your Beaphar Toothpaste. This handy, soft-grip, double-ended toothbrush has two brush head sizes, each with varying length bristles to help you to reach all your pet's teeth, even the hard to reach areas in their mouth.
4. When they are used to the taste and texture of the toothpaste, and having their mouth touched you can start to introduce the Beaphar Toothbrush. To do this, simply wet the bristles on the toothbrush and place some Beaphar Toothpaste on it.
5. Allow your pet to investigate and lick the delicious liver-flavoured toothpaste off the toothbrush. Be sure to give them plenty of praise.
6. When they are comfortable with each of the steps, it is time to combine all elements of the training. Start by brushing a few teeth on this session and gradually build-up each time until all their teeth can be cleaned.

Replace the toothbrush after three months, or sooner if the bristles look worn. Thoroughly clean the toothbrush after each use.
Always have fresh drinking water available.

Ingredients: Zinc, Sodium tripolyphosphate, Protease, Glucose oxidase

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