The pancreas is an organ in the abdomen (tummy) that sits close to the stomach. It produces special chemicals known as enzymes (types of proteins) which help digest food.
The pancreas also releases important hormones (such as insulin) into the bloodstream.
Pancreatitis occurs when the pancreas becomes very inflamed (tender and swollen) causing pain and vomiting. Pancreatitis can range from being mild to very severe. In most cases pancreatitis occurs for no apparent underlying reason.
Pancreatitis most commonly affects middle aged to older dogs, but in addition, dogs of certain breeds (e.g. Cocker Spaniels and Terrier breeds) are more prone to developing the condition but it can affect any breed of dog.
There is no specific treatment for pancreatitis - most dogs require nursing, pain relief and anti-sickness medication.

Your dog's pancreas is an organ that sits close to their stomach
Symptoms of pancreatitis in dogs
Symptoms of pancreatitis often start suddenly and commonly include:
- Vomiting
- Eating less (or not eating at all), loss of appetite
- Painful tummy - you may notice your dog stretching into a prayer position because their abdomen is painful (see picture). Abdominal pain (highlighted by restlessness and discomfort)
- Diarrhoea
- Weight loss
- Lethargy
Pancreatitis can range from being mild to severe. Not all dogs will have every symptom listed, some will only have one or two.
Pancreatitis can cause a variety of symptoms, ranging from relatively mild signs (e.g. a reduced appetite) to very severe illness (e.g. multiple organ failure).

A dog in the 'prayer position', which is a sign they have a painful stomach
When to contact your vet
Contact your vet if your dog has any of the symptoms above or if you think your dog may have pancreatitis, especially if they have had the condition previously.
Pancreatitis can cause severe illness and even death if left untreated.
You know your dog best. If they don’t have the symptoms listed above but you are still concerned it’s always best to contact your vet.
Causes of pancreatitis in dogs
You dog may be more likely to develop pancreatitis due to the following factors:
- Being overweight
- Being otherwise unwell
- Surgery
- High fat foods (e.g. pork, cheese, butter).
After a full examination, your vet might want to run some tests if they suspect your dog has pancreatitis. Because many other diseases can cause these symptoms, both blood tests and an ultrasound scan of the abdomen are necessary to rule out other conditions and to reach a diagnosis of pancreatitis.
Although routine blood tests can lead to a suspicion of pancreatitis, a specific blood test (called ‘canine pancreatic lipase’) needs to be performed to more fully support the diagnosis. An ultrasound scan is very important in making a diagnosis of pancreatitis. In addition, an ultrasound scan can also reveal some potential complications associated with pancreatitis (e.g. blockage of the bile duct from the liver as it runs through the pancreas).
Tests may include:
- Blood tests
- X-rays
- Ultrasound scan.
[caption id="attachment_16029" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
The normal canine pancreas. It is a similar shade of grey to the surrounding fat.[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_16030" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
A dog with pancreatitis. The pancreas is darker than normal and enlarged. The surrounding fat is brighter than normal and the intestine (seen in cross section) is also thickened.[/caption]
Treatment depends on how severe the pancreatitis is.
There is no specific cure for pancreatitis, but fortunately most dogs recover with appropriate supportive treatment. Supportive measures include giving an intravenous drip (to provide the body with necessary fluid and salts) and the use of medications which combat nausea and pain. Most dogs with pancreatitis need to be hospitalised to provide treatment and to undertake necessary monitoring, but patients can sometimes be managed with medication at home if the signs are not particularly severe. At the other extreme, dogs that are very severely affected by pancreatitis need to be given intensive care, ideally in an intensive care unit.
Mild pancreatitis
- Anti-sickness medicine
- Strong pain relief
- Tempting them to eat small, low fat meals given throughout the day
- Rest.
Severe pancreatitis
- Staying a few days in a veterinary hospital
- A drip to give lifesaving fluids
- Nursing care
- Careful feeding (if they aren’t eating on their own, it’s sometimes necessary to place a stomach tube).
One of the most important aspects of treating pancreatitis is to ensure that the patient receives sufficient appropriate nutrition while the condition is brought under control. This can be very difficult, because pancreatitis causes a loss of appetite. In this situation it may be necessary to place a feeding tube which is passed into the stomach, and through which nutrition can be provided. If a dog with pancreatitis is not eating and will not tolerate a feeding tube (e.g. due to vomiting), intravenous feeding (using a drip to supply specially formulated nutrients straight into the bloodstream) may be necessary.
Will my dog develop pancreatitis again?
Most dogs with pancreatitis make a full recovery after treatment from a vet but unfortunately, some dogs suffer with pancreatitis several times throughout their life. In some instances, dogs can suffer repeated bouts of the condition (called ‘chronic pancreatitis’) and this may require long term management with dietary manipulation and other approaches which a specialist will discuss with you in detail, as required.
If your dog is suffering from recurrent pancreatitis see the below information about ongoing care.
Very rarely pancreatitis can lead on to cause diabetes.
Ongoing care
If your dog has had pancreatitis in the past, they may be at risk of developing it again in the future. Actions you can take to lower the risk of pancreatitis include:
- Feed a low fat food. This usually needs to be a prescription diet from your vet because low fat dog foods sold in shops may still contain too much fat.
- Low fat treats. Only give your dog low fat treats. Pieces of chicken breast or small bits of carrot are perfect. Avoid high fat treats like cheese or pork.
- Keep your dog slim and fit. Staying slim and fit is vitally important for good health.
Dietary management and prevention
Getting the diet right is absolutely crucial for managing chronic pancreatitis and preventing future acute episodes. Please note that these guidelines are meant for adult maintenance only, not for puppies or females who are pregnant or nursing, as their requirements are different.
The aim should be to reduce the workload on the pancreas as much as possible so you should aim for a diet that is...
- Low in fat(between 5% and 10% dry matter)
- Highly digestible(good quality and free from any potentially problematic ingredients)
And, as an added precaution, we also recommend looking for...
- Moderate protein(between 20% and 30% dry matter)
- Not too starchy(avoid foods with large amounts of starchy ingredients like maize, white potato, white rice, tapioca, pea starch etc)
- No added sugars
Additional Reading: